No amount of justice can restore life to the victims. As Henderson quotes Kibbe after his conviction for Darcie Frackenpohl's murder, Yeah, I've killed a few women.
And, because they are what they are, these serial killers probably to this day don't really believe that there's anything wrong with that. Their victims, who outnumber them substatially, don't even have what very little these men have. Their victims are frozen, lifeless, at 17 or 29 or 26. They can play games with interviewers or find Jesus or write their memoirs. I don't think these men are happy or comfortable. So is Randy Woodfield, another man who used the I-5 as his killing ground. He's in prison and not getting out (one sentence 25 to life for Darcie in 1991, and then six more consecutive life sentences when he confessed to the other six murders in 2009). I don't for a second think that's all of his victims. So is Roger Reece Kibbe was convicted of 1 murder & confessed to 6 more: Lou Ellen Burleigh, Lora Heedick, Barbara Ann Scott, Stephanie Brown, Charmaine Sabrah, Katherine Kelly Quinones, and Darcie Frackenpohl. Roger Reece Kibbe was convicted of 1 murder & confessed to 6 more: Lou Ellen Burleigh, Lora Heedick, Barbara Ann Scott, Stephanie Brown, Charmaine Sabrah, Katherine Kelly Quinones, and Darcie Frackenpohl. It would have been a better book if the author had included a timeline of the crimes and a map of the area, but that is a small nitpick about an excellent work of journalism. Trace Evidence is skillfully structured, emphasizing the investigation rather than the trial, and includes crisp photographs of the key evidence. Author Bruce Henderson relates how they followed through on a bewildering number of leads, how they ranked their potential suspects on a point system that proved remarkably effective, and how, finally, a trace evidence expert spent many long hours looking through a microscope to cinch the case with analysis of fibers.

As deaths of young women in several different jurisdictions began to form a pattern, a few detectives with contrasting approaches (excitable and given to hunches vs. This killer specialized in picking up his victims along Interstate 5, near Sacramento, California, and he had an odd penchant for snipping at their clothes with scissors. Trace Evidence, by contrast, has a steady relentlessness that allows the reader to become fascinated by the characters of the investigators and the facts of how the evidence was assembled. This killer specialized in picking up his victims along Interstate 5, near Sacramento, California, and he had an odd penchant Some books about serial killers are dramatic and emotional. Some books about serial killers are dramatic and emotional.